Anthony Stich being interviewed at TD Conference in 2017

3 Technology Trends to Watch in 2017

Anthony Stich is director of global marketing at Advicent Solutions, a leading provider of SaaS technology solutions for the financial services industry, servicing the world’s largest financial institutions.

Predictions in the technology industry are generally futile. Technology is unpredictable, and in the fintech industry, even more so. We experienced a great deal of change in 2016, and should expect further excitement in 2017. But before we get into my predictions, I would like to preface this commentary by pointing out two things: Brexit and president-elect Trump.

In 2016, two events occurred that nearly every pundit and industry analyst said would not. Yet, they did. I won’t get into the politics of these two events, nor will I speculate how these two events happened; I just want readers to consider my predictions in the same light—knowing that predictions are merely educated guesses based on the information provided at the current point in time. One thing remains true about Brexit and Trump: both events will certainly impact the fintech industry in 2017. And now, three things to watch for this year:

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Who walks in next? A hippie from Colorado. He’s like, “Hey, man, do you mind if I join, too?” I’m thinking to myself, what is going on here? A Catholic priest, a born-again Baptist minister, a hippie from Colorado, and a businessman? It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but I move over, and he sits down next to me.

As above suggests, not once do I mention wealth management, financial advice, growth, or even marketing. Make sure to take a peak at my thoughts on the lost art of disagreement.