Anthony Stich headshot from 2020

4 Lessons the Financial Services Industry Should Learn From 2020

How does an industry that relies so heavily on in-person meetings continue to succeed in a world abruptly overturned by a global pandemic?

With so much of their ability to foster relationships and build trust done face-to-face, many financial services professionals had to quickly shift the way they interact with clients, prospects, and partners last year. Making matters worse, they were required to make this transformation while also managing a significant uptick in inquiries from prospects.

These challenges have spurred growth and innovation within our industry, accelerated the innovation and adoption of new technologies, and emphasized the value of both financial professionals and comprehensive planning. Many may view 2020 as a year to forget, but there are still lessons that can be learned as we continue to move forward.

The financial advisors who rely on our technology offerings experienced challenges—and opportunities—in four key areas last year….

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Have you read my latest article on RIA Reflections?

Who walks in next? A hippie from Colorado. He’s like, “Hey, man, do you mind if I join, too?” I’m thinking to myself, what is going on here? A Catholic priest, a born-again Baptist minister, a hippie from Colorado, and a businessman? It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but I move over, and he sits down next to me.

As above suggests, not once do I mention wealth management, financial advice, growth, or even marketing. Make sure to take a peak at my thoughts on the lost art of disagreement.