I love connecting with people in our industry – even if it’s simply to meet and see how we can help one another. I’m happy to give feedback on product ideas, marketing strategy, or through making connections. Certainly reach out if you want to chat; discuss media opportunities or on-stage presentations; advisory and non-profit board opportunities; or if you need help with your marketing.
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Have you read my latest article on RIA Reflections?
Who walks in next? A hippie from Colorado. He’s like, “Hey, man, do you mind if I join, too?” I’m thinking to myself, what is going on here? A Catholic priest, a born-again Baptist minister, a hippie from Colorado, and a businessman? It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but I move over, and he sits down next to me.
As above suggests, not once do I mention wealth management, financial advice, growth, or even marketing. Make sure to take a peak at my thoughts on the lost art of disagreement.