Anthony Stich being interviewed by Fintech TV at T3 in 2017

What Are Your Top 5 Essential Apps?

Anthony Stich is director of global marketing at Advicent Solutions, a leading provider of SaaS technology solutions for the financial services industry, servicing the world’s largest financial institutions.

When I am at a dinner party, cocktail hour, or any event with people I don’t know, I always look for ways to break the ice and get the conversation going. For the longest time I relied on my go-to question to spark great discussions: what are your top five movies? Quite frankly, this simple question to one person in the group can be a catalyst for hours of conversation. In my experience, these conversations would break out in to subconversations, and time quickly passes. However, I recently stopped asking that question.

Why, you ask? Well, I have a far better question that not only sparks just as much, if not more, conversation but also gives excellent insight into trends, new or unseen by me: what are your top five essential apps?

Ten years ago, this question would have been absurd. Five years ago, it would have been silly. Two years ago, this question would have been good, but not quite to the level of discussing classic Nicholas Cage flicks. Today, our world is different.

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Have you read my latest article on RIA Reflections?

Who walks in next? A hippie from Colorado. He’s like, “Hey, man, do you mind if I join, too?” I’m thinking to myself, what is going on here? A Catholic priest, a born-again Baptist minister, a hippie from Colorado, and a businessman? It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but I move over, and he sits down next to me.

As above suggests, not once do I mention wealth management, financial advice, growth, or even marketing. Make sure to take a peak at my thoughts on the lost art of disagreement.